Savatage (13 albums, 2 bookmarks)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
SavatageDead Winter DeadMP31995**** 1/252:27
SavatageEdge of ThornsMP31993****53:52
SavatageFrom the Gutter to the Stage: Best of SavatageMP32000****1:31:48
SavatageGutter BalletMP31989*****52:17
SavatageHall of the Mountain KingMP31987****39:22
SavatageJapan Live '94MP31995****59:28
SavatagePoets and MadmenMP32001****1:07:02
SavatagePower of the NightMP31985***38:47
SavatageStreets: A Rock OperaMP31991**** 1/21:08:25
SavatageThe Best and the RestMP31997**** 1/21:15:14
SavatageThe Dungeons Are CallingMP31984***24:51
SavatageThe Wake of MagellanMP31998**** 1/21:11:46