Complete list of dtjesus's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Thin LizzyJailbreakMP31976****36:07
Thin LizzyJohnny the FoxMP31976*** 1/236:09
Thin LizzyLive and DangerousMP31978*** 1/21:16:27
Thin LizzyVagabonds Kings Warriors Angels Disc 1MP32002****1:19:16
Thin LizzyVagabonds Kings Warriors Angels Disc 2MP32002****1:16:33
Thin LizzyVagabonds Kings Warriors Angels Disc 3MP32002****1:15:51
Thin LizzyVagabonds Kings Warriors Angels Disc 4MP32002****1:15:02
ThresholdCritical MassMP32002****59:59
ThresholdDead ReckoningMP32007*** 1/254:54
ThresholdExtinct InsctinctMP31997***1:07:06
ThresholdSubsurfaceMP32004*** 1/258:30
ThresholdWounded LandMP31993*** 1/257:38
ThunderLaughing on Judgement DayMP31991*** 1/21:09:10
TilesPresents of MindMP31999***52:22
Tina TurnerForeign AffairMP31989***52:18
Todd RundgrenSomething/Anything?MP31972****1:28:55
Tony MacAlpinePremonitionMP31994** 1/253:26
Tool10,000 DaysMP32006**** 1/21:16:09
ToolLateralusMP32001**** 1/21:18:50
ToolUndertowMP31993*** 1/21:08:08
ToolÆnimaMP31996**** 1/21:17:18

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