The Will, The Willing and the Innocent

UFO - The Will, The Willing and the Innocent

  • Release date: 1981
  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 36:43
  • **** 1/2
  • Added September 4, 2007
  • Played September 4, 2007
  • Rated September 4, 2007


1. Phil Mogg/Pete Way - Chains Chainsnot rated3:26
2. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg - Long Gonenot rated5:18
3. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg - The Wild, the Willing and the Innocentnot rated4:57
4. Phil Mogg/Pete Way - It's Killing Menot rated4:32
5. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg - Makin' Movesnot rated4:34
6. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg/Pete Way - Lonely Heartnot rated5:00
7. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg/Pete Way - Couldn't Get It Rightnot rated4:36
8. Paul Champan/Phil Mogg - Profession of Violence*****4:20

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