Difficult to Cure

Rainbow - Difficult to Cure

  • Release date: 1981
  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 42:00
  • ****
  • Added August 26, 2007
  • Played August 27, 2007
  • Rated August 26, 2007


1. Russ Ballard - I Surrendernot rated4:05
2. Ritchie Blackmore/Roger Glover - Spotlight Kidnot rated4:57
3. Don Airey/Ritchie Blackmore/Roger Glover - No Releasenot rated5:36
4. Brian Moran - Magicnot rated4:10
5. Don Airey/Ritchie Blackmore - Vielleicht das Nachste Mal (Maybe Next Time)**** 1/23:20
6. Ritchie Blackmore/Roger Glover - Can't Happen Herenot rated5:01
7. Ritchie Blackmore/Ian Gillan/Roger Glover/Jon Lord/Ian Paice - Freedom Fighternot rated4:23
8. Ritchie Blackmore/Roger Glover/Joe Lynn Turner - Midtown Tunnel Visionnot rated4:35
9. Luwig van Bethoven - Difficult to Cure (Beethoven's Ninth)not rated5:53

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