The Visitor

Arena - The Visitor

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Progressive Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:01:50
  • **** 1/2
  • Added March 29, 2007
  • Played June 1, 2007
  • Rated November 23, 2008


1. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - A Crack in the Icenot rated7:26
2. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Pins and Needlesnot rated2:47
3. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Double Visionnot rated4:25
4. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Elea [Instrumental]not rated2:37
5. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - The Hanging Tree**** 1/27:10
6. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - A State of Grace**** 1/23:27
7. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Blood Red Room [Instrumental]not rated1:48
8. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - In the Blink of an Eyenot rated5:30
9. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - (Don't Forget to) Breathe**** 1/23:41
10. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Serenity [Instrumental]****2:10
11. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Tears in the Rain****5:44
12. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Enemy Withoutnot rated5:06
13. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - Running from Damascus****3:45
14. Clive Nolan, John Jowitt, John Mitchell, Mick Pointer - The Visitor****6:14

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