Midnight Oil
Diesel and Dust

Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust

  • Release date: 1987
  • Genre: Alternative Pop/Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 46:24
  • *** 1/2
  • Added April 9, 2008
  • Rated April 9, 2008


1. Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burningnot rated4:14
2. Midnight Oil - Put Down That Weaponnot rated4:38
3. Midnight Oil - Dreamworldnot rated3:35
4. Midnight Oil - Arctic Worldnot rated4:20
5. Midnight Oil - Warakurnanot rated4:36
6. Midnight Oil - The Dead Heartnot rated5:11
7. Midnight Oil - Whoahnot rated3:50
8. Midnight Oil - Bullroarernot rated4:57
9. Midnight Oil - Sell My Soulnot rated3:34
10. Midnight Oil - Sometimesnot rated3:53
11. Midnight Oil - Gunbarrel Highwaynot rated3:36

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