Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Waits, TomWhistle Down The WindBone Machine4:35not ratedCD1992
Waits, TomWhistle Down the Wind (For Tom Jans)Bone Machine4:35not ratedMP38/1992
Waits, TomWhistlin' Past The GraveyardBlue Valentine3:17not ratedCD1978
Waits, TomWhistlin' Past The GraveyardBlue Valentine3:18not ratedMP310/1978
Waits, TomWho Are YouBone Machine3:57not ratedMP38/1992
Waits, TomWho Are You?Bone Machine3:57not ratedCD1992
Waits, TomWhy down in the holeFranks Wild Years3:30not ratedCD1987
Waits, TomWoeBlood Money1:20not ratedMP35/7/2002
Waits, TomWrong Side Of The RoadBlue Valentine5:14not ratedCD1978
Waits, TomWrong Side Of The RoadBlue Valentine5:14not ratedMP310/1978
Waits, TomYestardays hereFranks Wild Years2:29not ratedCD1987
Waits, TomYesterday Is HereBig Time2:42not ratedCD1988
Waits, TomYesterday Is HereFranks Wild Years2:31not ratedMP38/1987
WakaJawakaWaka - Jawaka11:17not ratedCD1972
Wakeman, Rick'O bilancioBlack Knights at the court of Ferdinand IV3:14not ratedMP37/1/1991
Wakeman, Rick198419846:31not ratedMP31981
Wakeman, Rick2000 A.D.2000 A.D. Into the Future6:07not ratedMP39/15/1991
Wakeman, Rick4 MilesJourney To The Centre Of The Earth 20120:17not ratedMP32012
Wakeman, RickA Cry Without TearsCan You Hear Me?6:04not ratedMP31996
Wakeman, RickA Cry Without TearsPrayers6:08not ratedMP31993
Wakeman, RickA Final WishPrayers1:35not ratedMP31993
Wakeman, RickA Little Piece of Heaven/Part of the CrowdCan You Hear Me?6:29not ratedMP31996
Wakeman, RickA New Beginning2000 A.D. Into the Future4:10not ratedMP39/15/1991
Wakeman, RickA New VistaJourney To The Centre Of The Earth 20120:49not ratedMP32012
Wakeman, RickA Painting Of Our LoveThe Masters [Disc 2]5:57not ratedMP37/6/1999

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