Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Vaughan, Stevie RayBurning Strings - SaywhatBurning Strings (Chicago Blues Festival) (07-06-1985)5:16not ratedMP31985
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange ItLive Alive5:03not ratedMP37/1986
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange ItSoul To Soul3:57not ratedCD1985
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange ItLive Alive5:05not ratedCD1986
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange ItGreatest Hits3:58not ratedCD1995
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange ItGreatest Hits3:57not ratedMP311/21/1995
Vaughan, Stevie RayChange It [1985]SRV - The Boxed Set (Disc 2)3:58not ratedMP311/21/2000
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlin's Con CarneLive From Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel 19792:45not ratedMP31979
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlins con CarneThe Sky Is Crying3:59not ratedMP311/15/1991
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlins Con CarneInterchords (interview)4:00not ratedMP31998
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlins Con CarneThe Sky Is Crying3:59not ratedCD1991
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlins Con CarneBlues at Sunrise3:59not ratedMP34/4/2000
Vaughan, Stevie RayChitlins Con Carne - Split 1Unsurpassed Masters Vol.14:56not ratedMP31998
Vaughan, Stevie RayClose to YouThe Sky Is Crying3:13not ratedMP311/15/1991
Vaughan, Stevie RayClose To YouThe Sky Is Crying3:13not ratedCD1991
Vaughan, Stevie RayClose To YouInterchords (interview)3:13not ratedMP31998
Vaughan, Stevie RayClosing Time TuneLive From Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel 19793:16not ratedMP31979
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotGreatest Hits3:59not ratedMP311/21/1995
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotLive at Austin Texas7:08not ratedMP310/31/1995
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotLive Alive5:40not ratedCD1986
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotCouldn't Stand The Weather3:59not ratedMP31984
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotLive Alive5:40not ratedMP37/1986
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotThe Forgotten Show 19885:52not ratedMP31987
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotCouldn't Stand The Weather4:01not ratedCD1984
Vaughan, Stevie RayCold ShotGreatest Hits4:01not ratedCD1995

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