Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamEvery Mother's SonAs Palace - Every Mother's Sonnot ratedCD1996
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldham & Trembling BeEvery Time I Close My Eyes (We're Back There)The Marble Downs5:51not ratedMP34/12/2012
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldham & Trembling BeExcursions into AssonanceThe Marble Downs4:22not ratedMP34/12/2012
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldham & Trembling BeFerrari in a Demolition DerbyThe Marble Downs4:14not ratedMP34/12/2012
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamFor Every Field There's A MoleLie Down In The Light3:19not ratedMP35/12/2008
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldhamfor the mekons et alguarapero/lost blues vol.25:36not ratedMP31999
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamFor The Mekons Et AlAs Will Oldham - Guarapero - Lost Blues 25:36not ratedMP32/22/2000
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamFor the Mekons et alAs Will Oldham - Guarapero - Lost Blues 25:36not ratedCD2000
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGezundeheitAs Will Oldham - Guarapero - Lost Blues 22:48not ratedCD2000
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGezundheitAs Will Oldham - Guarapero - Lost Blues 22:49not ratedMP32/22/2000
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldhamgezundheitguarapero/lost blues vol.22:48not ratedMP31999
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGive Me ChildrenAs Palace - Arise Therefore3:27not ratedMP34/1996
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGive Me ChildrenAs Palace - Arise Therefore3:27not ratedCD1996
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGoat And RamAs Bonnie "Prince" Billy + Matthew Sweeney - Superwolf5:15not ratedMP31/25/2005
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGod Is Love+ Dawn McCarthy - Wai Notes4:16not ratedMP312/18/2007
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGod's Small SongAs Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Letting Go4:03not ratedMP39/19/2006
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGods Small Song+ Dawn McCarthy - Wai Notes2:54not ratedMP312/18/2007
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGrand Dark Feeling Of EmptinessAs Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Ease Down The Road3:23not ratedMP32001
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGulf ShoresAs Palace Brothers - Lost Blues And Other Songs5:09not ratedMP35/24/1997
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGulf ShoresAs Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Greatest Palace Music3:54not ratedMP32004
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamGulf ShoresAs Palace Brothers - Lost Blues and Other Songs5:08not ratedCD1997
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamHard LifeAs Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Master And Everyone3:35not ratedMP32003
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamHeart's ArmsBeware3:26not ratedMP33/17/2009
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will Oldhamhinx minx the old witch winksAs Anomoanon - Mother Goose1:35not ratedCD1998
Palace (Brothers, Music, Songs), Bonnie Prince Billy, Will OldhamHinx Minx The Old Witch WinksMother Goose1:35not ratedMP38/24/1998

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