Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Orbison, RoyFools Hall of FameThe Roy Orbison Story - Ooby Dooby2:26not ratedMP32/2/1999
Orbison, RoyFools Hall Of Fame 192 kbpsGo go gonot ratedMP32002
Orbison, RoyGigoletteBye Bye Love2:36not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyGigoletteThe Roy Orbison Story - Distant Drums2:38not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyGive Myself A PartyBlue Blue Day2:27not ratedMP3
Orbison, RoyGo AwayBlue Blue Day2:58not ratedMP3
Orbison, RoyGo Go Go (Down the Line)The Roy Orbison Story - Ooby Dooby2:08not ratedMP32/2/1999
Orbison, RoyGo Go Go 192 kbpsGo go go2:09not ratedMP32002
Orbison, RoyGo! Go! Go!Rocker2:09not ratedMP37/1/1999
Orbison, RoyGo, Go, GoThe Legendary Roy Orbison - Cd 12:09not ratedMP31988
Orbison, RoyGoing Back to GloriaCommunication Breakdown2:45not ratedMP32/11/1997
Orbison, RoyGoodnightThe Roy Orbison Story - Distant Drums2:29not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyGoodnightThe Roy Orbison Story ( Oh Pretty Woman)2:29not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyGoodnightThe Legendary Roy Orbison - Cd 32:31not ratedMP31988
Orbison, RoyHeartacheCommunication Breakdown3:13not ratedMP32/11/1997
Orbison, RoyHeartacheI'm Still in Love with You3:09not ratedMP31976
Orbison, RoyHere comes taht song againRare Recordings2:44not ratedMP31992
Orbison, RoyHere Comes That Song AgainThe Legendary Roy Orbison - Cd 12:42not ratedMP31988
Orbison, RoyHouse Without WindowsThe Roy Orbison Story - Distant Drums2:22not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyHow Are Things In ParadiseThe Roy Orbison Story - All I Have To Do Is Dream2:08not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyHow are things in paradiseRare Recordings2:09not ratedMP31992
Orbison, RoyHow Are Things In Paradise 192 kbpsRare Orbison II2:06not ratedMP310/12/1989
Orbison, RoyHung Up on YouI'm Still in Love with You3:27not ratedMP31976
Orbison, RoyI Can't Stop Loving YouBye Bye Love2:43not ratedMP32006
Orbison, RoyI Can't Stop Loving YouBig 'O'2:41not ratedMP31989

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