Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
BattlesRace OutMirrored3:29not ratedMP33/2007
BattlesRainbowMirrorednot ratedMP33/2007
BattlesRolls BayceGloss Drop2:06not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesSnare HangerMirrorednot ratedMP33/2007
BattlesSndome (feat.Ymantaka Eye)Gloss Drop7:51not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesSundome (Instrumental)Gloss Drop7:45not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesSweetie & Shag (feat.Kazu MakiGloss Drop3:50not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesSweetie & Shag (The Field Remix)Dross Glop 18:53not ratedMP32/6/2012
BattlesTijMirrored24:10not ratedMP33/2007
BattlesToddlerGloss Drop1:11not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesTontoMirrored7:43not ratedMP33/2007
BattlesWall StreetGloss Drop5:25not ratedMP36/6/2011
BattlesWall Street (Gui Boratto Remix)Dross Glop 17:01not ratedMP32/6/2012
BattlesWhite ElectricGloss Drop6:14not ratedMP36/6/2011
Bauhaus1.Jay 2.Murphy 3.Haskins 4.AshMask6:38not ratedMP310/1981
Bauhaus1.Jay 2.Murphy 3.Haskins 4.AshMask6:37not ratedCD1981
BauhausA Spy In The Cab1979-1983 Volume One4:31not ratedMP31986
BauhausA Spy In The Cab1979-1983 Volume One4:31not rated2CD1986
BauhausAll We Ever Wanted1979-1983 Volume Two3:50not rated2CD1986
Bauhausall we ever wanted was everythingThe Sky's Gone Out3:52not ratedCD1982
BauhausAntonin ArtaudBurning From the Inside4:08not ratedCD1983
BauhausBela Lugosi Is DeadPress the Eject and Give Me the Tape9:35not ratedCD1982
BauhausBela Lugosi's Dead1979-1983 Volume One9:38not ratedMP31986
BauhausBela Lugosi's DeadLeft Of The Dial: Dispatches From The '80s Underground (Disc 4)9:34not ratedMP310/5/2004
BauhausBela Lugosi's Dead1979-1983 Volume One9:37not rated2CD1986

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