Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Lush | Second Sight | Gala | 2:40 | not rated | MP3 | 12/1990 |
Lush | Shut Up | Topolino | 3:48 | not rated | MP3 | 5/26/1998 |
Lush | Single Girl | Lovelife | 2:35 | not rated | MP3 | 3/5/1996 |
Lush | Single Girl | Lovelife | 2:35 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Lush | Single Girl | Ciao! | 2:35 | not rated | MP3 | 3/19/2001 |
Lush | Starlust | Split | 4:32 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Lush | Stray | Spooky | 2:08 | not rated | MP3 | 1/1992 |
Lush | Stray | Spooky | 2:07 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Lush | Sunbathing | Gala | 3:09 | not rated | MP3 | 12/1990 |
Lush | Superblast! | Spooky | 4:07 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Lush | Superblast! | Spooky | 4:07 | not rated | MP3 | 1/1992 |
Lush | Sweetness And Light | Gala | 5:20 | not rated | MP3 | 12/1990 |
Lush | Sweetness and Light | Ciao! | 5:17 | not rated | MP3 | 3/19/2001 |
Lush | Take | Spooky | 3:28 | not rated | MP3 | 1/1992 |
Lush | Take | Spooky | 3:28 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Lush | The Childcatcher | Lovelife | 3:17 | not rated | MP3 | 3/5/1996 |
Lush | The Childcatcher | Lovelife | 3:17 | not rated | CD | 1996 |
Lush | The Invisible Man | Split | 2:17 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Lush | Thoughtforms | Ciao! | 2:43 | not rated | MP3 | 3/19/2001 |
Lush | Thoughtforms | Gala | 2:45 | not rated | MP3 | 12/1990 |
Lush | Thoughtforms | Gala | 2:45 | not rated | MP3 | 12/1990 |
Lush | Tinkerbell | Topolino | 3:06 | not rated | MP3 | 5/26/1998 |
Lush | Tiny Smiles | Spooky | 4:11 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Lush | Tiny Smiles | Spooky | 4:27 | not rated | MP3 | 1/1992 |
Lush | Tralala | Lovelife | 5:35 | not rated | MP3 | 3/5/1996 |