Complete list of dotanamir's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Fu ManchuBultacoCalifornia Crossing3:11not ratedMP310/23/2001
Fu ManchuCalifornia CrossingCalifornia Crossing3:36not ratedMP310/23/2001
Fu ManchuCoyote DusterDaredevil2:51not ratedMP31995
Fu ManchuCyclone LaunchIn Search Of...3:25not ratedMP32/27/1996
Fu ManchuDowntown In DogtownCalifornia Crossing3:18not ratedMP310/23/2001
Fu ManchuDriveKing of the Road3:46not ratedMP32/15/2000
Fu ManchuDriveKing of the Road3:45not ratedCD2000
Fu ManchuEatin' DustEatin' Dust3:11not ratedMP32/23/1999
Fu ManchuEgorDaredevil3:36not ratedMP31995
Fu ManchuFreedom of ChoiceKing of the Road3:27not ratedMP32/15/2000
Fu ManchuFreedom of ChoiceKing of the Road3:29not ratedCD2000
Fu ManchuGathering SpeedDaredevil4:23not ratedMP31995
Fu ManchuGodzillaEatin' Dust4:39not ratedMP32/23/1999
Fu ManchuGrasschopperKing of the Road3:51not ratedMP32/15/2000
Fu ManchuGrasschopperKing of the Road3:51not ratedCD2000
Fu ManchuHang OnCalifornia Crossing3:39not ratedMP310/23/2001
Fu ManchuHell on WheelsKing of the Road4:48not ratedCD2000
Fu ManchuHell on WheelsKing of the Road4:49not ratedMP32/15/2000
Fu ManchuHeyStart The Machine2:28not ratedMP39/14/2004
Fu ManchuHotdoggin'King of the Road4:52not ratedCD2000
Fu ManchuHotdoggin'King of the Road4:53not ratedMP32/15/2000
Fu ManchuI Can't Hear YouStart The Machine1:27not ratedMP39/14/2004
Fu ManchuI Wanna BeStart The Machine3:27not ratedMP39/14/2004
Fu ManchuI'm Gettin' AwayStart The Machine2:33not ratedMP39/14/2004
Fu ManchuIt's All The SameStart The Machine3:30not ratedMP39/14/2004

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