Complete list of dotanamir's songs

Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
ZZ TopOld ManZZ Top's First Album3:27not ratedMP31970
ZZ TopOver YouTexicali - EP4:29not ratedM4A6/5/2012
ZZ TopOver YouLa Futura4:30not ratedMP39/11/2012
ZZ TopParty on the PatioEl Loco2:49not ratedMP31981
ZZ TopPearl NecklaceEl Loco4:07not ratedMP31981
ZZ TopPearl necklaceLive From Texas3:48not ratedMP37/24/2008
ZZ TopPearl NecklaceGreatest hits4:05not ratedCD1992
ZZ TopPenthouse EyesRecycler3:47not ratedMP31990
ZZ TopPenthouse EyesRecycler3:47not ratedCD1990
ZZ TopPin cushionLive From Texas5:06not ratedMP37/24/2008
ZZ TopPlanet Of WomenAfterburner4:06not ratedMP31985
ZZ TopPlanet Of WomenGreatest hits4:05not ratedCD1992
ZZ TopPlanet of WomenAfterburner4:06not ratedCD1985
ZZ TopPrecious And GraceTres Hombres3:10not ratedMP31973
ZZ TopPrettyheadRhythmeen4:40not ratedMP39/17/1996
ZZ TopReverberationWhere The Pyramid meets the Eye3:02not ratedMP310/30/1990
ZZ TopRhythmeenRhythmeen3:53not ratedMP39/17/1996
ZZ TopRough BoyAfterburner4:52not ratedCD1985
ZZ TopRough BoyAfterburner4:52not ratedMP31985
ZZ TopRough boyLive From Texas6:28not ratedMP37/24/2008
ZZ TopRough BoyGreatest hits3:52not ratedCD1992
ZZ TopSharp Dressed ManGreatest hits4:14not ratedCD1992
ZZ TopSharp dressed manLive From Texas4:55not ratedMP37/24/2008
ZZ TopSharp Dressed ManEliminator4:14not ratedMP31983

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