U2 (28 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
U2& Brain Eno - Passengers - Original Soundtracks 1CD1995not rated1:02:21
U2Achtung BabyCD1991not rated55:27
U2Achtung BabyMP31991not rated55:23
U2BoyCD1980not rated42:36
U2BoyMP31980not rated42:13
U2DualsMP33/21/2011not rated1:04:05
U2From The Ground Up Edge's Picks From U2360MP32012not rated1:07:30
U2From The Ground Up Edge's Picks From U2360 Bonus TracksMP32012not rated19:13
U2No Line On The HorizonMP33/3/2009not rated53:41
U2OctoberMP31981not rated41:03
U2OctoberCD1981not rated41:08
U2PopCD1997not rated59:23
U2PopMP33/1997not rated1:00:05
U2Rattle and HumCD1988not rated1:12:30
U2Rattle and HumMP31988not rated1:12:26
U2The Best Of 1980 - 1990CD1998not rated1:05:34
U2The Best Of 1980-1990 & B-Sides CD 2CD1998not rated59:53
U2The Best Of 1980-1990 (Disc 1)MP311/3/1998not rated1:05:35
U2The Best of 1980 - 1990 (Disc 2)MP311/3/1998not rated59:52
U2The Joshua TreeMP31987not rated50:14
U2The Unforgettable FireCD1984not rated42:43
U2The Unforgettable FireMP31984not rated42:43
U2U22 (Disc One)MP32012not rated59:38
U2U22 (Disc Two)MP32012not rated1:09:02
U2Under A Blood Red SkyCD1983not rated35:18
U2WarCD1983not rated42:08
U2ZooropaCD1993not rated51:18
U2ZooropaMP35/1993not rated51:15