Smiths (37 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Smiths...Best IIMP312/8/1992not rated52:17
SmithsBest...ICD1992not rated45:11
SmithsBest...IICD1992not rated52:25
SmithsBrixton Academy, London 01.03.1985MP31985not rated1:24:39
SmithsComplete CD1 [The Smiths]MP31984not rated45:33
SmithsComplete CD2 [Meat Is Murder]MP31985not rated39:47
SmithsComplete CD3 [The Queen Is Dead]MP31986not rated37:05
SmithsComplete CD4 [Strangeways, Here We ComeMP31987not rated36:11
SmithsComplete CD5 [Hatful Of Hollow]MP31984not rated56:12
SmithsComplete CD6 [Rank]MP31988not rated56:11
SmithsComplete CD7 [The World Won't Listen]MP31987not rated59:48
SmithsComplete CD8 [Louder Than Bombs]MP31987not rated1:13:01
SmithsComplete John Peel SessionsMP31986not rated57:11
SmithsEager To Be HeldMP32001not rated1:12:07
SmithsHatful Of HollowMP31984not rated55:52
SmithsHatful of HollowCD1984not rated56:22
SmithsI Stole And Then I LiedMP31984not rated1:00:05
SmithsLife Is Very Long When You're LonelyMP31986not rated1:14:24
SmithsLouder Than BombsMP33/31/1987not rated1:12:34
SmithsLouder Than BombsCD1987not rated1:12:42
SmithsMeat Is MurderMP31985not rated46:34
SmithsMeat is MurderCD1985not rated39:40
SmithsPeel SessionCDnot rated16:34
SmithsRankMP39/13/1988not rated56:04
SmithsRankCD1988not rated56:07
SmithsStrangeways, Here We ComeCD1987not rated36:06
SmithsThe Best of the Smiths, Vol. 1MP31992not rated44:54
SmithsThe Hand That Rocks The Cradle (Bootleg)MP32002not rated1:16:55
SmithsThe Queen Is DeadMP31986not rated37:01
SmithsThe Queen Is DeadCD1986not rated37:04
SmithsThe SmithsCD1984not rated45:36
SmithsThe SmithsMP31984not rated45:33
SmithsThe Smiths - Live In Madrid - Paseo De CamoeonsMP31985not rated1:08:55
SmithsThe Very Best of the Smiths (Remastered)MP36/19/2001not rated1:14:59
SmithsThe World Won't ListenCD1987not rated52:31
SmithsThe World Won't ListenMP32/1997not rated59:49
SmithsUnreleased Demos & InstrumentalsMP32010not rated1:12:56