Hersh, Kristin (8 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Hersh, KristinHips And MakersCD1994not rated50:27
Hersh, KristinHips And MakersMP32/1/1994not rated50:21
Hersh, KristinLearn To Sing Like A StarMP31/23/2007not rated41:23
Hersh, KristinMurder, Misery and Then GoodnightMP31998not rated32:21
Hersh, KristinSky MotelMP37/6/1999not rated45:07
Hersh, KristinStrange AngelsMP32/3/1998not rated45:42
Hersh, KristinSunny Border BlueMP33/6/2001not rated51:10
Hersh, KristinThe GrottoMP33/4/2003not rated49:34