Harper, Roy (31 albums, 1 bookmark)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Harper, Roy+ Jimmy Page - Whatever Happened To JugulaCD1985not rated45:17
Harper, Roy+ Jimmy Page - Whatever Happened to JugulaMP31985not rated45:19
Harper, RoyBullinamingvaseCD1977not rated44:25
Harper, RoyBullinamingvaseMP31977not rated44:21
Harper, RoyCome Out Fighting Ghengis SmithMP31967not rated1:07:16
Harper, RoyCome Out Fighting Ghengis SmithCD1967not rated1:07:14
Harper, RoyDeath Or Glory?MP31992not rated1:03:33
Harper, RoyDream Society Bonus CDMP36/23/1998not rated35:08
Harper, RoyFlashes from the Archives of OblivionMP31974not rated1:09:12
Harper, RoyFlat Baroque & BerserkCD1970not rated56:31
Harper, RoyFlat Baroque and BerserkMP31970not rated55:10
Harper, RoyFolkjokeopusMP31969not rated47:57
Harper, RoyFolkjokeopusCD1969not rated48:03
Harper, RoyLifemaskMP31973not rated43:56
Harper, RoyLive At Les Cousins - disk 1MP31996not rated55:35
Harper, RoyLive At Les Cousins - disk 1CD1996not rated55:37
Harper, RoyLive At Les Cousins - disk 2CD1996not rated1:05:37
Harper, RoyLive At Les Cousins Disc 2MP31996not rated1:05:34
Harper, RoyOnceMP31990not rated41:36
Harper, RoyReturn Of The Sophisticated BeggarCD1997not rated52:03
Harper, RoyReturn Of The Sophisticated BeggarMP31966not rated51:59
Harper, RoySongs of Love and Loss CD1MP39/19/2011not rated43:37
Harper, RoySongs of Love and Loss CD2MP39/19/2011not rated49:49
Harper, RoyStormcockMP31971not rated41:25
Harper, RoyThe BBC Tapes Volume 1 1969-1973MP31997not rated53:23
Harper, RoyThe BBC Tapes Volume II In Concert 1974MP31997not rated59:00
Harper, RoyThe BBC Tapes Volume III 1974MP31997not rated1:08:33
Harper, RoyThe Dream SocietyMP36/23/1998not rated1:12:51
Harper, RoyValentineCD1974not rated57:57
Harper, RoyWork Of HeartCD1982not rated45:02
Harper, RoyWork of HeartMP31981not rated45:01
