Camel (48 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
CamelA Live Record (BT) Cd1MP31978not rated1:16:11
CamelA Live Record (BT) Cd2MP31978not rated1:03:00
CamelA Live Record (CD1)MP31978not rated1:16:12
CamelA Live Record (CD2)MP31978not rated1:03:00
CamelA Nod and a WinkMP32002not rated55:37
CamelBreathlessMP31978not rated43:59
CamelCamelMP31973not rated39:04
CamelCamel (Master Series)MP31973not rated1:06:42
CamelCamel (Remastered CD 2002 UK Bonus Tracks)MP31973not rated1:01:46
CamelCamel On The Road 1982MP310/25/1984not rated45:05
CamelComing Of Age CD1 (Live)MP310/22/1999not rated1:01:23
CamelComing Of Age CD2 (Live)MP310/22/1999not rated1:03:06
CamelDust And DreamsMP31991not rated47:55
CamelDust And DreamsMP31991not rated47:49
CamelEchoes - The Anthology '73-'77 (CD1)MP37/20/1993not rated1:19:04
CamelEchoes - The Anthology '78-'92 (CD2)MP37/20/1993not rated1:19:48
CamelHammersmith Odeon (Live)MP31977not rated56:19
CamelHarbour Of TearsMP31/20/1996not rated1:02:08
CamelI Can See Your House from HereMP31979not rated46:07
CamelMirageCD1974not rated38:01
CamelMirage [Japan Bonus Tracks]MP31974not rated1:08:03
CamelMoonmadnessMP31976not rated39:16
CamelMoonmadnessCD1976not rated39:18
CamelMoonmadness (CD1 Deluxe Edition SHM-CD Japan)MP31976not rated54:42
CamelMoonmadness (CD2 Deluxe Edition Bonus SHM-CD)MP31976not rated1:13:53
CamelMoonmadness (Remastered CD 2002 UK Bonus Tracks)MP31976not rated1:11:28
CamelNever Let Go - Disc OneMP37/30/1993not rated59:20
CamelNever Let Go - Disc TwoMP37/30/1993not rated1:12:22
CamelNude (SHM-CD)MP31/1981not rated44:43
CamelOn The Road 1981MP36/10/1997not rated58:41
CamelOn the Road 1972MP38/24/1992not rated44:23
CamelPressure Points (SHM-CD)MP31984not rated46:49
CamelPressure Points Live In ConcertMP31984not rated46:44
CamelRain DancesMP31977not rated45:12
CamelRain Dances (SHM-CD 2009 Japan)MP31977not rated1:16:02
CamelRajaz (Remastered 2007)MP310/21/1999not rated58:05
CamelRajaz Tour 2001 (Chile Disc 1)MP310/21/2001not rated46:43
CamelRajaz Tour 2001 (Chile Disc 2)MP310/21/2001not rated53:46
CamelStationary Traveller (Bonus Tracks Cherry Red ECLEC 2154)MP31984not rated50:50
CamelThe Paris Collection (Live)MP310/30/2001not rated1:11:03
CamelThe Single Factor (SHM-CD)MP31982not rated42:41
CamelThe Snow GooseCD1975not rated41:05
CamelThe Snow GooseMP31975not rated43:29
CamelThe Snow Goose (CD1 Deluxe Edition SHM-CD Japan)MP31975not rated1:05:00
CamelThe Snow Goose (CD2 Deluxe Edition BBC Radio One In Concert SHM-CD)MP31975not rated42:26
CamelThe Snow Goose (Remastered CD 2002 UK Bonus Tracks)MP31975not rated1:07:47
CamelTokyo Japan 8 Sept CD1 (Live)MP32000not rated1:12:59
CamelTokyo Japan 8 Sept CD2 (Live)MP32000not rated1:04:23