Complete list of dotanamir's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 (Disc 2)MP31992not rated1:10:17
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol.4 (Disc 1)MP36/21/1991not rated1:10:52
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 (Disc 1)MP31992not rated1:10:30
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 (Disc I)MP310/1988not rated1:01:39
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (Disc 2)MP310/23/1992not rated1:07:51
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 1 (Disc 2)MP35/16/1988not rated1:05:34
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 1(Disc 1)MP35/16/1988not rated51:42
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (Disc 1)MP310/23/1992not rated1:09:33
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 3 (disc II)MP311/1989not rated1:08:36
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 3 (Disc I)MP311/1989not rated1:06:32
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol.4 (Disc 2)MP36/21/1991not rated1:03:09
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 2 (Disc II)MP310/1988not rated55:13
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zappa in New York (Disc 1)MP33/3/1978not rated43:57
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zappa In New York (Disc 1)CD1978not rated48:02
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zappa In New York (Disc 2)CD1978not rated53:49
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zappa In New York [Disc 2]MP33/3/1978not rated53:54
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zoot alluresMP310/29/1976not rated41:34
Zappa, Frank (and the Mothers)Zoot AlluresCD1976not rated41:35
ZebraheadCall Your FriendsMP38/13/2013not rated47:09
Zellar, MartinRoosters CrowMP32/7/2012not rated35:49
ZenitThe Chandrasekhar LimitMP32013not rated1:08:53
Zervas & PepperLifebringerMP37/22/2013not rated39:05
Zevon, WarrenBad Luck Streak In Dancing SchoolMP31980not rated35:32
Zevon, WarrenExcitable BoyMP31978not rated31:48
Zevon, WarrenExcitable Boy (Remastered)MP31978not rated41:57

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