Complete list of dotanamir's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Smith, ElliottXOCD1998not rated44:44
Smith, JohnGreat LakesM4A3/25/2013not rated38:09
Smith, John 'Harmonica'Arkansas TrapMP31971not rated37:37
Smith, John 'Harmonica'Blowin' The BluesMP31979not rated27:40
Smith, John 'Harmonica'Complete Blue Horizon Sessions CD2MP38/14/2006not rated1:14:26
Smith, John 'Harmonica'Now You Can Talk About MeMP39/29/1998not rated45:38
Smith, John 'Harmonica'Tribute To Little Walter 1968MP31968not rated41:16
Smith, PattiBangaMP36/5/2012not rated58:39
Smith, PattiDream Of LifeMP36/1988not rated51:49
Smith, PattiEasterMP33/1978not rated40:14
Smith, PattiEasterCD1978not rated46:59
Smith, PattiGone AgainMP36/18/1996not rated1:10:46
Smith, PattiGone AgainCD1996not rated55:55
Smith, PattiGung HoCD2000not rated1:04:36
Smith, PattiGung HoMP33/21/2000not rated1:04:36
Smith, PattiHorsesCD1975not rated43:04
Smith, PattiHorsesMP311/1975not rated43:06
Smith, PattiOutside SocietyMP38/23/2011not rated1:19:35
Smith, PattiPeace And NoiseCD1997not rated52:32
Smith, PattiPeace And NoiseMP39/30/1997not rated52:05
Smith, PattiRadio EthiopiaCD1976not rated48:10
Smith, PattiRadio EthiopiaMP310/1976not rated48:13
Smith, PattiTrampin'MP34/27/2004not rated1:03:37
Smith, PattiTwelveMP34/24/2007not rated56:43
Smith, PattiWaveCD1979not rated43:24

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