Destination Love - Live! At Cold Rice

mAKE UP - Destination Love - Live! At Cold Rice

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Gospel Yeh-Yeh
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 37:31
  • not rated
  • Added December 26, 2006


1. Intro "Hold it"not rated1:39
2. Here Comes the Judgenot rated3:05
3. You + I vs The Worldnot rated2:58
4. They Live by Nightnot rated2:01
5. Bring the Birds Downnot rated2:25
6. Don't Mind the Mindnot rated2:06
7. Evidence is Everywherenot rated2:11
8. We can't be Containednot rated3:22
9. Introductionsnot rated1:23
10. Don't Step on the Childrennot rated2:00
11. How Pretty can u Getnot rated2:02
12. R u a Believer Pt IInot rated2:05
13. International Airportnot rated2:30
14. We gotta get offa this Rocknot rated1:47
15. So...Chocolatey/Destination : Lovenot rated4:39
16. Outro " Hold it"not rated1:18

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