Bloc Party
Four (Deluxe Edition)

Bloc Party - Four (Deluxe Edition)

  • Release date: 8/21/2012
  • Genre: Indie Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 50:31
  • not rated
  • Added September 8, 2012


1. So He Begins to Lienot rated3:34
2. 3x3not rated2:38
3. Octopusnot rated3:05
4. Real Talknot rated4:13
5. Kettlingnot rated3:41
6. Day Fournot rated4:11
7. Coliseumnot rated2:29
8. V.A.L.I.Snot rated3:20
9. Team Anot rated4:36
10. Truthnot rated4:00
11. The Healingnot rated4:19
12. We Are Not Good Peoplenot rated3:19
13. Mean (Bonus Track)not rated3:27
14. Leaf Skeleton (Bonus Track)not rated3:39

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