Andy Miller; Mathew Priest; Nigel Clark, Dodgy
The Dodgy Album

Dodgy - The Dodgy Album

  • Release date: 5/1993
  • Genre: Alternative/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 43:53
  • not rated
  • Added December 25, 2011


1. Water Under the Bridgenot rated3:43
2. I Need Anothernot rated3:48
3. Love Birdsnot rated3:56
4. Satisfiednot rated6:06
5. Grand Old English Oak Treenot rated4:43
6. Stand by Yourselfnot rated3:47
7. As My Time Goes Bynot rated4:41
8. Never Againnot rated4:09
9. Cold Teanot rated4:58
10. We're Not Going to Take This Anymorenot rated4:02

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