Burke Shelley/Tony Bourge, Budgie
If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules

Budgie - If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules

  • Release date: 1976
  • Genre: Rock/Hard Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 31:33
  • not rated
  • Added November 6, 2011


1. Anne Neggennot rated4:08
2. If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rulesnot rated5:51
3. You're Opening Doorsnot rated3:00
4. Quacktor And Bureaucatsnot rated3:54
5. Sky High Percentagenot rated5:56
6. Heaven Knows Your Namenot rated3:54
7. Black Velvet Stallionnot rated4:50

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