Complete list of dmckee's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
George DukeMissing YouDreamWeaver5:45not ratedMP32013
George DukeMothership ConnectionGeorge Duke Collection5:13not ratedMP31991
George DukeMy BellsAfter Hours1:16not ratedMP31998
George DukeMystery EyesNight After Night4:33not ratedMP31989
George DukeNever Be AnotherCool4:38not ratedMP32000
George DukeNo OneDuke4:58not ratedMP32005
George DukeNo Rhyme, No ReasonSnapshot5:48not ratedMP31992
George DukeOh Really?Deja Vu5:53not ratedMP32010
George DukeOmi (Fresh Water)Reach For It4:50not ratedMP31977
George DukeOnly You UnderstandCool4:18not ratedMP32000
George DukeOoh BabySnapshot5:01not ratedMP31992
George DukeParty DownGeorge Duke Collection3:12not ratedMP31991
George DukeParty DownFollow The Rainbow3:09not ratedMP31979
George DukePeaceAfter Hours2:12not ratedMP31998
George DukePluckFollow The Rainbow4:48not ratedMP31979
George DukePositive EnergyDream On3:34not ratedMP31982
George DukePrepare YourselfThree Originals [Disc 1]5:27not ratedMP31993
George DukeReach For ItReach For It4:53not ratedMP31977
George DukeReach For ItGeorge Duke Collection4:59not ratedMP31991
George DukeRemembering The SixtiesThief In The Night4:10not ratedMP3
George DukeRideThief In The Night3:56not ratedMP3
George DukeRide On LoveDream On5:25not ratedMP31982
George DukeRipple in TimeDeja Vu6:33not ratedMP32010
George DukeRise UpNight After Night5:36not ratedMP31989
George DukeRokkinrowl, I Don't KnowThree Originals [Disc 1]3:27not ratedMP31993

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