Complete list of dmckee's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The CrusadersNight FacesStreet Life5:04not ratedMP31979
The CrusadersNite CrawlerFree As The Wind4:44not ratedMP31977
The CrusadersPessimisticismHealing The Wounds6:01not ratedMP31991
The CrusadersRainbow VisionsChain Reaction6:15not ratedMP31975
The CrusadersRiver RatFree As The Wind2:28not ratedMP31977
The CrusadersRodeo Drive (High Steppin')Street Life4:21not ratedMP31979
The CrusadersRunning ManHealing The Wounds5:15not ratedMP31991
The CrusadersRural RenewalRural Renewal5:25not ratedMP32003
The CrusadersShake DanceGRP 10th Anniversary Collection [Disc 3]6:36not ratedMP31992
The CrusadersShake DanceHealing The Wounds6:36not ratedMP31991
The CrusadersShotgun House GrooveRural Renewal5:56not ratedMP32003
The CrusadersSing the SongRural Renewal4:52not ratedMP32003
The CrusadersSoul CaravanChain Reaction5:30not ratedMP31975
The CrusadersSouthern ComfortSouthern Comfort3:07not ratedMP31974
The CrusadersStomp and Buck DanceSouthern Comfort5:48not ratedMP31974
The CrusadersStreet LifeStreet Life11:14not ratedMP31979
The CrusadersSugar CaneChain Reaction2:33not ratedMP31975
The CrusadersSuper StuffSouthern Comfort2:45not ratedMP31974
The CrusadersSweet N' SourFree As The Wind8:56not ratedMP31977
The CrusadersThe HustlerStreet Life5:24not ratedMP31979
The CrusadersThe TerritoryRural Renewal6:14not ratedMP32003
The CrusadersThe Way We WasFree As The Wind5:22not ratedMP31977
The CrusadersThe Well's Gone DrySouthern Comfort4:46not ratedMP31974
The CrusadersTime BombSouthern Comfort6:44not ratedMP31974
The CrusadersViva De FunkRural Renewal4:53not ratedMP32003

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