Complete list of dmckee's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Bird and the BeeDiamond DaveRay Guns are not Just the Future3:14not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeDoctorRecreational Love3:37not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeFanfareRay Guns are not Just the Future0:28not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeHeard It On the RadioA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:02not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeI Can't Go for That (No Can Do)A Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:36not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeJennyRecreational Love3:08not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeKiss On My ListA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates4:18not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeLifespan of a FlyRay Guns are not Just the Future3:14not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeLos AngelesRecreational Love3:29not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeLove Letter to JapanRay Guns are not Just the Future4:08not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeLovey DoveyRecreational Love3:13not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeManeaterA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:32not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeMeteorRay Guns are not Just the Future3:21not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeMy LoveRay Guns are not Just the Future3:45not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeOne On OneA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:40not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeePhilRay Guns are not Just the Future0:09not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeePlease Take Me HomeRecreational Love3:11not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeePolite Dance SongRay Guns are not Just the Future3:48not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeePrivate EyesA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:03not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeRay GunRay Guns are not Just the Future4:42not ratedMP32009
The Bird and the BeeRecreational LoveRecreational Love3:10not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeRich GirlA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates2:48not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeRunawayRecreational Love3:56not ratedMP32015
The Bird and the BeeSara SmileA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:06not ratedMP32010
The Bird and the BeeShe's GoneA Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates3:04not ratedMP32010

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