Airto Moreira
Touching You....Touching Me

Airto Moreira - Touching You....Touching Me

  • Release date: 1979
  • Genre: Jazz/Fusion
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 42:00
  • not rated
  • Added February 12, 2012


1. Amajournot rated4:53
2. Partido Altonot rated5:39
3. Open Spacenot rated3:08
4. Heartbeatnot rated4:22
5. Toque De Cuicanot rated3:55
6. Move It On Upnot rated3:39
7. And Then We Touched The Skynot rated4:41
8. Tempos Atras (Dreams Are Real)not rated5:40
9. It's Not A Balladnot rated4:17
10. Introduction To The Endnot rated1:41

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