John Anderson
John Anderson - Greatest Hits

John Anderson - John Anderson - Greatest Hits

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Country
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: country
  • Duration: 50:58
  • not rated
  • Added January 2, 2012


1. Money In The Banknot rated3:01
2. Seminole Windnot rated3:58
3. Straight Tequila Nightnot rated2:53
4. I Wish I Could Have Been Therenot rated3:34
5. I Fell In The Waternot rated2:41
6. I've Got It Madenot rated2:52
7. Keep Your Hands To Yourselfnot rated3:43
8. Mississippi Moonnot rated4:14
9. Swingin'not rated2:59
10. When It Comes To Younot rated3:51
11. Long Hard Lesson Learnednot rated3:23
12. Let Go Of The Stonenot rated3:17
13. Country 'Til I Dienot rated3:02
14. Who Got Our Lovenot rated3:17
15. Bend It 'Til It Breaksnot rated4:06

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