Complete list of dilute51's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMachinesThe Best Of Manfred Mann2:29not ratedCD1992
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMarche SlaveManfred Mann '061:43not ratedCD2006
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMardi Gras DayGet Your Rocks Off3:03not ratedCD1973
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMarsManfred Mann '063:57not ratedCD2006
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMartha's MadmanWatch4:56not ratedLP1978
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMartha's Madman (Live) (1998)Odds & Sods - Mis -Takes & Out - Takes10:07not ratedCD2010
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMeatGlorified Magnified4:06not ratedCD1972
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMeatGlorified Magnified4:00not ratedLP10/23/1972
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMessin'Get Your Rocks Off9:52not ratedCD1973
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMessin' Up The Land (prev. unrOdds & Sods - Mis -Takes & Out - Takes8:43not ratedCD2010
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMiss YouSoft Vengeance3:33not ratedCD1996
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMonkmannManfred Mann '063:11not ratedCD2006
Manfred Mann's Earth BandMy Little Red Book (All I Do Is Talk About You)The Best Of Manfred Mann2:28not ratedCD1992
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNature Of The BeastSoft Vengeance4:35not ratedCD1996
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNature Of The Beast (prev. unreleased)Odds & Sods - Mis -Takes & Out - Takes4:37not ratedCD2010
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNed Kelly (prev. unreleased)Odds & Sods - Mis -Takes & Out - Takes2:54not ratedCD2010
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNeptune (Icebringer)Masque1:06not ratedCD1987
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNighting Gales And BombersNightingales And Bombers4:52not ratedCD1975
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNightingales And BombersNightingales And Bombers [Remastered Edition]4:54not ratedCD1975
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNo GuaranteeChance3:45not ratedCD1980
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNothing Ever HappensSoft Vengeance4:10not ratedCD1996
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNothing Ever Happens (Radio Mix)Leftovers3:36not ratedCD2011
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNow You're Needing MeThe Best Of Manfred Mann2:16not ratedCD1992
Manfred Mann's Earth BandOh No Not My BabyThe Best Of Manfred Mann2:20not ratedCD1992
Manfred Mann's Earth BandOn The RunThe Best of Manfred Mann's Earth Band3:52not ratedCD1996

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