Complete list of dilute51's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Guess WhoMiss FrizzyThe Way They Were5:09not ratedCD1976
Guess WhoMiss Frizzy#104:23not ratedCD1973
Guess WhoMiss Frizzy#104:25not ratedLP1973
Guess WhoMoan For You JoeShare The Land2:39not ratedLP1970
Guess WhoMoan For You JoeShare the Land2:38not ratedCD1970
Guess WhoMr. NothinLet's Go (The CBC Years 1967-68)2:22not ratedCD2007
Guess WhoMusicioné#103:56not ratedCD1973
Guess WhoMusicione#103:55not ratedLP1973
Guess WhoNo Sugar Tonight / New Mother NatureAmerican Woman4:52not ratedLP1976
Guess WhoNo Sugar Tonight/New Mother NatureThe Guess Who - Greatest Hits4:54not ratedCD1999
Guess WhoNo Sugar Tonight/New Mother NatureAmerican Woman4:48not ratedCD1970
Guess WhoNo TimeThe Guess Who - Greatest Hits3:50not ratedCD1999
Guess WhoNo TimeAmerican Woman3:44not ratedCD1970
Guess WhoNo TimeThe Greatest Of The Guess Who3:40not ratedCD1988
Guess WhoNo TimeCanned Wheat5:15not ratedLP1969
Guess WhoNo TimeAmerican Woman3:45not ratedLP1976
Guess WhoNo TimeLet's Go (The CBC Years 1967-68)4:37not ratedCD2007
Guess WhoNo TimeCanned Wheat5:37not ratedCD1969
Guess WhoNobody Knows His NameFlavours3:17not ratedCD1975
Guess WhoNobody Knows His NameFlavours3:20not ratedLP1974
Guess WhoOf A Dropping PinCanned Wheat3:15not ratedLP1969
Guess WhoOf A Dropping PinCanned Wheat3:42not ratedCD1969
Guess WhoOf A Dropping PinThis Time Long Ago2:22not ratedCD1967
Guess WhoOld JoeCanned Wheat3:22not ratedLP1969
Guess WhoOld JoeCanned Wheat2:57not ratedCD1969

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