Complete list of descoto's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Tracy ChapmanHeaven's Here On EarthNew Beginning5:23not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanI'm ReadyNew Beginning7:09not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanIf Not NowTracy Chapman3:01not ratedCD1988
Tracy ChapmanIt's OkTelling Stories4:00not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanLess Than StrangersTelling Stories3:19not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanMountain O' ThingsTracy Chapman4:39not ratedCD1988
Tracy ChapmanNew BeginningNew Beginning5:33not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanNothing YetTelling Stories3:22not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanPaper And InkTelling Stories4:52not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanRemember the TinmanNew Beginning5:45not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanShe's Got Her TicketTracy Chapman3:56not ratedCD1988
Tracy ChapmanSmoke and AshesNew Beginning6:39not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanSpeak The WordTelling Stories4:12not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanTalkin' Bout a RevolutionTracy Chapman2:39not ratedCD1988
Tracy ChapmanTell It Like It IsNew Beginning6:05not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanTelling StoriesTelling Stories3:57not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanThe Only OneTelling Stories3:08not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanThe PromiseNew Beginning5:28not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanThe Rape of the WorldNew Beginning7:10not ratedCD1995
Tracy ChapmanUnsung PsalmTelling Stories4:19not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanWedding SongTelling Stories4:36not ratedCD2000
Tracy ChapmanWhyTracy Chapman2:06not ratedCD1988
TraditionalEn Csak Azt Csodalom (Lullaby for Katharine)The English Patient1:10not ratedCD1996
TrapezoidTalThe Narada Wilderness Collection3:55not ratedCD1990
TsakweRoyal BlueAfrican Magic3:20not ratedCD2002

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