Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Motley CruePrimal Scream [New Track]Decade of Decadence4:46not ratedMP31991
Motley CruePublic Enemy #1Too Fast for Love4:21not ratedMP31981
Motley CrueRaise Your Hands to RockTheatre of Pain2:48not ratedMP3
Motley CrueRattlesnake ShakeDr. Feelgood3:40not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueRed HotShout at the Devil3:21not ratedMP31983
Motley CrueRock 'N' Roll JunkieDecade of Decadence4:01not ratedMP31991
Motley CrueRocketshipGeneration Swine2:04not ratedMP31997
Motley CrueRocketship (Early Demo)Generation Swine1:35not ratedMP31997
Motley CrueSame Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)Dr. Feelgood4:12not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueSave Our SoulsTheatre of Pain4:12not ratedMP3
Motley CrueShe Goes DownDr. Feelgood4:37not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueShout at the DevilShout at the Devil3:15not ratedMP31983
Motley CrueShout at the DevilDecade of Decadence3:14not ratedMP31991
Motley CrueShout at the Devil '97Generation Swine3:42not ratedMP31997
Motley CrueShout at the Devil [Demo Version]Shout at the Devil3:18not ratedMP31983
Motley CrueSlice of Your PieDr. Feelgood4:31not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueSmokin' in the Boys' RoomDecade of Decadence3:27not ratedMP31991
Motley CrueSmokin' in the Boys' RoomTheatre of Pain3:27not ratedMP3
Motley CrueSmokin' in the Boys' Room [Alternate Guitar Solo-Rough Mix]Theatre of Pain3:33not ratedMP3
Motley CrueStarry EyesToo Fast for Love4:27not ratedMP31981
Motley CrueStick to Your GunsToo Fast for Love4:21not ratedMP31981
Motley CrueSticky SweetDr. Feelgood3:51not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueT. N. T. (Terror 'N Tinseltown)Dr. Feelgood0:43not ratedMP31989
Motley CrueTake Me to the TopToo Fast for Love3:43not ratedMP31981
Motley CrueTeaserDecade of Decadence5:16not ratedMP31991

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