Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
ArtI Think I'm Going WeirdSupernatural Fairy Tales3:21not ratedMP31967
ArtLove is RealSupernatural Fairy Tales3:19not ratedMP31967
ArtRome Take Away ThreeSupernatural Fairy Tales3:00not ratedMP31967
ArtRoom With A ViewSupernatural Fairy Tales3:40not ratedMP31967
ArtSupernatural Fairy TaleSupernatural Fairy Tales3:37not ratedMP31967
ArtTalkin' To MyselfSupernatural Fairy Tales1:41not ratedMP31967
ArtWhat's That Sound (For What It's Worth)Supernatural Fairy Tales2:49not ratedMP31967
ArtilleryDeeds of DarknessFear of Tomorrow6:34not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryFear of TomorrowFear of Tomorrow3:27not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryInto the UniverseFear of Tomorrow3:45not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryKing Their Name Is SlayerFear of Tomorrow3:37not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryOut of the SkyFear of Tomorrow3:35not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryShow Your HateFear of Tomorrow4:46not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryThe AlmightyFear of Tomorrow4:12not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryThe Eternal WarFear of Tomorrow5:24not ratedMP31985
ArtilleryTime Has GoneFear of Tomorrow5:18not ratedMP31985
As I Lay Dying94 HoursFrail Words Collapse3:12not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingA Thousand StepsFrail Words Collapse1:47not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingBehind Me Lies Another Fallen SoldierFrail Words Collapse3:05not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingCollisionFrail Words Collapse3:13not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingDistance is DarknessFrail Words Collapse2:40not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingElegyFrail Words Collapse4:47not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingFalling Upon Deaf EarsFrail Words Collapse2:33not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingForeverFrail Words Collapse4:44not ratedMP32003
As I Lay DyingSong 10Frail Words Collapse4:18not ratedMP32003

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