Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Alice CooperTime to KillRaise Your Fist and Yell3:38not ratedMP31987
Alice CooperTitanic OverturePretties for You1:12not ratedMP31969
Alice CooperToday MuellerPretties for You1:48not ratedMP31969
Alice CooperTrashTrash3:58not ratedMP31988
Alice CooperTrick BagConstrictor4:18not ratedMP31986
Alice CooperUnbangi StompLace and Whiskey2:12not ratedMP31977
Alice CooperUnder My WheelsAlice Cooper's Greatest Hits2:46not ratedMP31974
Alice CooperUnder My WheelsKiller2:44not ratedMP31971
Alice CooperUnder My WheelsThe Alice Cooper Show2:35not ratedMP31997
Alice CooperUnder My WheelsBeast of Alice Cooper2:44not ratedMP31993
Alice CooperUnfinished SweetBillion Dollar Babies6:18not ratedMP31973
Alice CooperUnholy WarThe Last Temptation4:10not ratedMP31994
Alice CooperVicious RumoursSpecial Forces3:43not ratedMP31981
Alice CooperWake Me GentlyAlice Cooper Goes to Hell5:02not ratedMP31976
Alice CooperWelcome to My NightmareWelcome to My Nightmare5:20not ratedMP31975
Alice CooperWho Do You Think We AreSpecial Forces4:21not ratedMP31981
Alice CooperWhy Trust YouTrash3:12not ratedMP31988
Alice CooperWind-Up ToyHey Stoopid5:27not ratedMP31991
Alice CooperWish I Were Born in Beverly HillsFrom the Inside3:38not ratedMP31978
Alice CooperWish You Were HereAlice Cooper Goes to Hell4:37not ratedMP31976
Alice CooperWoman MachineMuscle of Love4:31not ratedMP31973
Alice CooperWorking Up a SweatMuscle of Love3:32not ratedMP31973
Alice CooperYeah, Yeah, YeahKiller3:37not ratedMP31971
Alice CooperYears AgoWelcome to My Nightmare2:51not ratedMP31975
Alice CooperYou and MeThe Alice Cooper Show2:25not ratedMP31997

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