Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
White SkullHorantTales from the North3:51not ratedMP31999
White SkullI don't know about sexEmbittered4:17not ratedMP31997
White SkullI Wanna Fly AwayXIII Skull6:24not ratedMP32004
White SkullI Won't Burn AloneI Won't Burn Alone4:42not ratedMP31995
White SkullIn Caesar We TrustPublic Glory Secret Agony7:38not ratedMP32000
White SkullIn The Age Of UnreasonI Won't Burn Alone5:18not ratedMP31995
White SkullIt's my lifeEmbittered4:37not ratedMP31997
White SkullKing with the silver handThe Ring of the Ancients4:37not ratedMP32006
White SkullKriemhild StoryTales from the North4:11not ratedMP31999
White SkullLa Era OscuraLa era oscura4:43not ratedMP32003
White SkullLa Nueva CruzadaLa era oscura5:05not ratedMP32003
White SkullLa Virgen De OrleansLa era oscura4:24not ratedMP32003
White SkullLast NavigatorXIII Skull5:01not ratedMP32004
White SkullLiving On The HighwayI Won't Burn Alone3:23not ratedMP31995
White SkullLove isEmbittered5:27not ratedMP31997
White SkullMaid of OrleansThe Dark Age4:25not ratedMP32003
White SkullMamaI Won't Burn Alone4:23not ratedMP31995
White SkullManglerPublic Glory Secret Agony4:59not ratedMP32000
White SkullMarching to AlesiaThe Ring of the Ancients7:57not ratedMP32006
White SkullMissing LinkXIII Skull4:45not ratedMP32004
White SkullMothman PropheciesXIII Skull4:48not ratedMP32004
White SkullMountain's endEmbittered6:23not ratedMP31997
White SkullMujeres Del DiabloLa era oscura5:29not ratedMP32003
White SkullNastyI Won't Burn Alone3:37not ratedMP31995
White SkullNew CrusadeThe Dark Age5:06not ratedMP32003

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