Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
VenomManitou (Abbey Road Uncut Mix)At War With Satan (Castle Remaster)4:49not ratedMP31984
VenomManitou (Abbey Road Version)MMV4:49not ratedMP32005
VenomManitou (Bonus Track)MMV3:38not ratedMP32005
VenomManitou [Abbey Road Uncut Mix]Skeletons in the Closet4:51not ratedMP31993
VenomMayhem With MercyWelcome To Hell (Castle Remaster)0:59not ratedMP31981
VenomMegalomaniaPrime Evil5:25not ratedMP31998
VenomMetal BlackMetal Black3:11not ratedMP32006
VenomMetal PunkCalm Before The Storm3:24not ratedMP31987
VenomMetro Radio InterviewMMV4:12not ratedMP32005
VenomMoonshinePossessed (Castle Remaster)3:19not ratedMP31985
VenomMortalsCast in Stone (Ltd. Edition Bonus CD)3:19not ratedMP31998
VenomMuscleCalm Before The Storm2:43not ratedMP31987
VenomMystiquePossessed (Castle Remaster)4:58not ratedMP31985
VenomMystiqueMMV4:55not ratedMP32005
VenomMystiqueFrom Heaven to the Unknown5:00not ratedMP31997
VenomNeed To KillThe Waste Lands5:12not ratedMP31992
VenomNightmareEine Kleine Nachtmusik (Castle Remaster)3:41not ratedMP31986
VenomNightmare (12' mix)Possessed (Castle Remaster)3:54not ratedMP31985
VenomNightmare (Radio One Session)Black Metal (Castle Remaster)3:26not ratedMP31982
VenomNightmare (Re-Recorded Version)MMV3:26not ratedMP32005
VenomNightmare (Single)MMV3:54not ratedMP32005
VenomNothing SacredIn Memorium - The Best Of Venom4:33not ratedMP31993
VenomOne Thousand Days Of SodomWelcome To Hell (Castle Remaster)4:35not ratedMP31981
VenomPainResurrection4:02not ratedMP32000
VenomPandemoniumResurrection4:31not ratedMP32000

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