Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
VardisSituation Negative100 M.p.h3:33not ratedMP31980
VardisSituation NegativeThe Best Of3:37not ratedMP31997
VardisSteamin Along (live)The Lions Share3:57not ratedMP31983
VardisSteamin' AloneThe World's Insane4:17not ratedMP31981
VardisSteamin' AlongThe Best Of4:21not ratedMP31997
VardisThe Lion's Share100 M.p.h3:44not ratedMP31980
VardisThe Lions ShareThe Lions Share3:18not ratedMP31983
VardisThe Loser100 M.p.h3:57not ratedMP31980
VardisThe Plot To Rule The WorldQuo Vardis4:23not ratedMP31982
VardisThe World's InsaneThe World's Insane3:46not ratedMP31981
VardisTo Be With YouQuo Vardis3:37not ratedMP31982
VardisTogether TonightQuo Vardis3:52not ratedMP31982
VardisTogether TonightThe Best Of3:53not ratedMP31997
VardisToo Many PeopleThe Lions Share2:56not ratedMP31983
VardisWalkingQuo Vardis3:40not ratedMP31982
VardisWalkingThe Lions Share3:28not ratedMP31983
VardisWhere There's Mod There's RockThe Best Of4:47not ratedMP31997
VardisWhere There's Mods There's RocQuo Vardis4:44not ratedMP31982
Various artists(3rd Stage Alert) Mind InvaderMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 123:51not ratedMP31982
Various artists(Abattoir) Screams From The GraveMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 123:24not ratedMP31982
Various artists(Aloha) Heavy Metal VirginMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 123:01not ratedMP31982
Various artists(Amboog-a-Lard) The WoundedMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 124:51not ratedMP31982
Various artists(Ancient) Det Glemte RiketMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 126:55not ratedMP31982
Various artists(And Christ Wept) Anti (Coat Hanger Mix)Metal Massacre Volumes 1 - 124:02not ratedMP31982
Various artists(Armored Saint) Lesson Well LearnedMetal Massacre Volumes 1 - 122:51not ratedMP31982

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