Complete list of das's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Subway to SallyDer SturmSchrei ! (Live)3:50not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyDer VagabundFoppt den Dämon4:00not ratedMP31996
Subway to SallyDie BrautAlbum 19942:40not ratedMP31994
Subway to SallyDie Braut & Der BräutigamSchrei ! (Live)4:31not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyDie HexeSchrei ! (Live)4:46not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyDie HexeMCMXCV4:28not ratedMP31995
Subway to SallyDie JagdMCMXCV4:16not ratedMP31995
Subway to SallyDie RattenFoppt den Dämon3:30not ratedMP31996
Subway to SallyDie Rose im WasserHochzeit4:27not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyDie SchlachtHerzblut4:02not ratedMP32001
Subway to SallyDown the LineAlbum 19944:42not ratedMP31994
Subway to SallyDrei EngelHerzblut1:15not ratedMP32001
Subway to SallyEin BaumBannkreis4:37not ratedMP31997
Subway to SallyElement des VerbrechensBannkreis4:12not ratedMP31997
Subway to SallyElvis livesAlbum 19942:11not ratedMP31994
Subway to SallyErdbeermundMCMXCV3:46not ratedMP31995
Subway to SallyFalscher HeilandEngelskrieger4:03not ratedMP32003
Subway to SallyGeist des KriegersEngelskrieger3:41not ratedMP32003
Subway to SallyGrabredeSchrei ! (Live)4:39not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyGrabrede mit KnochenpolkaMCMXCV4:17not ratedMP31995
Subway to SallyHenkersbrautSchrei ! (Live)5:12not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyHenkersbrautHochzeit5:04not ratedMP32000
Subway to SallyHerbstzeitFoppt den Dämon3:07not ratedMP31996
Subway to SallyHerrin des FeuersHerzblut7:07not ratedMP32001
Subway to SallyHoroSchrei ! (Live)1:54not ratedMP32000

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