Complete list of cyberstasz's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Idiot PilotWolvesMP32007not rated43:12
Iggy AzaleaThe New ClassicMP32014not rated51:21
Iggy PopA Million In Prizes [Iggy Pop Anthology]MP32005not rated2:35:13
iiORaptureMP32008not rated8:11
IkonikaBubble UpMP32023not rated6:08
ILoveMakonnenI Love Makonnen 2MP32015not rated29:22
ILoveMakonnenLeave It ThereMP32015not rated2:35
Ima RobotIma RobotMP32003not rated39:13
Ima RobotMonument To The MassesMP32006not rated42:52
Ima RobotSearch And DestroyMP32006not rated32:00
Imagine DragonsEvolveMP32017not rated43:03
Imagine DragonsNight Visions [Deluxe]MP32012not rated1:06:06
Imagine DragonsOrigins [Deluxe]MP32018not rated52:28
Imagine DragonsShotsMP32015not rated3:52
Imagine DragonsSmoke + Mirrors [Deluxe]MP32015not rated1:19:52
Imagine DragonsThunderMP32017not rated10:33
Imogen HeapSpeak For YourselfMP32005not rated49:27
In FlamesReroute To RemainMP32002not rated1:02:29
IncNo WorldMP32013not rated40:35
Incubus8MP32017not rated40:16
IncubusA Certain Shade Of GreenMP31999not rated20:33
IncubusAcoustic LifeMP32000not rated22:37
IncubusAcoustic SessionsMP32000not rated16:47
IncubusAcoustic [Damnation]MP32001not rated1:11:32
IncubusAcoustic [Electric Remixes]MP32001not rated39:52

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