Complete list of crispian's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RamonesStreet Fighting ManToo Tough to Dienot ratedCD1984
RamonesStrength To EndureMondo Bizarro2:59not ratedCD1992
RamonesSubstituteAcid Eatersnot ratedCD1993
RamonesSurf CityAcid Eatersnot ratedCD1993
RamonesSurfin' BirdRocket To Russia2:37not ratedCD1977
RamonesSurfin' BirdAnthology2:37not ratedCD1999
RamonesSurfin' BirdIt's Alive2:20not ratedCD1977
RamonesSurfin' BirdLoco Livenot ratedCD1991
RamonesSuzy Is A HeadbangerIt's Alive1:53not ratedCD1977
RamonesSuzy Is a HeadbangerLeave Homenot ratedCD1977
RamonesSwallow My PrideAnthology2:07not ratedCD1999
RamonesSwallow My PrideLeave Homenot ratedCD1977
RamonesTake It As It ComesMondo Bizarro2:07not ratedCD1992
RamonesTake the Pain Away¡Adios Amigos!not ratedCD1995
RamonesTeenage Depression - The Ramones, Higgs, D.Rock 'N' Roll High Schoolnot ratedLP Record10/17/1990
RamonesTeenage LobotomyRocket To Russia2:01not ratedCD1977
RamonesTeenage LobotomyAnthology2:03not ratedCD1999
RamonesTeenage LobotomyIt's Alive1:54not ratedCD1977
RamonesTeenage LobotomyWe're Outta Here!not ratedCD1997
RamonesTeenage LobotomyLoco Livenot ratedCD1991
RamonesThe CrusherWe're Outta Here!not ratedCD1997
RamonesThe Crusher¡Adios Amigos!not ratedCD1995
RamonesThe Good, the Bad and the UglyLoco Livenot ratedCD1991
RamonesThe Job That Ate My BrainMondo Bizarro2:18not ratedCD1992
RamonesThe KKK Took My Baby AwayAnthology2:32not ratedCD1999

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