Complete list of crispian's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
McFlyAll About YouLive 8not ratedDVD2005
Meat Puppets100% of NothingMeat Puppets II1:50not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsAurora BorealisMeat Puppets II2:44not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsAurora BorealisMeat Puppets II2:30not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsClimbingMeat Puppets II2:43not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsI'm a Mindless IdiotMeat Puppets II2:29not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsI'm Not HereMeat Puppets II1:55not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsLake of FireMeat Puppets II1:56not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsLostMeat Puppets II3:26not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsLostMeat Puppets II3:03not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsMagic Toy MissingMeat Puppets II1:21not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsNew GodsMeat Puppets II2:12not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsNew GodsMeat Puppets II2:13not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsOh, MeMeat Puppets II3:02not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsPlateauMeat Puppets II2:22not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsPlateauPiece Of Cake 20 Years of RYKO2:21not ratedCD2003
Meat PuppetsSplit Myself in TwoMeat Puppets II2:24not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsTeenager(s)Meat Puppets II3:36not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsThe Whistling SongMeat Puppets II2:57not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsWe're HereMeat Puppets II2:43not ratedCD1998
Meat PuppetsWhat to DoMeat Puppets II2:35not ratedCD1998
MeatloafBat Out Of HellKerrang! The Album9:45not ratedCD1994
Medium MediumHungry, So AngryMojo - Made In Britain - The Sound Of A New England (1977-1983)3:57not ratedCD2005
MegadethIn My Darkest HourKerrang! The Album6:18not ratedCD1994
MegadethSweating BulletsKerrang! The Album5:04not ratedCD1994

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