Complete list of crimeinc's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YellowmanGod AloneRas Potraits3:38not ratedMP3
YellowmanGoing to the chapelGoing To The Chapel3:56not ratedMP31987
YellowmanGone UpRas Potraits3:32not ratedMP3
YellowmanGood GirlsReggae On Top3:35not ratedMP3
Yellowmangood lovngNobody Move3:12not ratedWMA
YellowmanGot The RammerRas Potraits4:00not ratedMP3
YellowmanGovernmentGood Sex Guid3:52not ratedMP31995
YellowmanGuantanameraPrayer4:02not ratedMP31994
Yellowmangun manThem A Mad Over Me3:30not ratedMP3
Yellowmanhe got the whole world in his handThem A Mad Over Me2:32not ratedMP3
YellowmanHere I come (with Frankie Paul)Freedom Of Speech4:03not ratedMP31997
YellowmanHip hip hurrayFreedom Of Speech4:07not ratedMP31997
YellowmanHonour Your MotherJack Sprat3:10not ratedMP3
YellowmanHotter ReggaeJack Sprat3:14not ratedMP3
YellowmanHow You Keep A DanceMr.Yellowman3:19not ratedMP3
YellowmanHunnu fi moveGoing To The Chapel3:41not ratedMP31987
YellowmanI Can't Stand ItBad Boy Skanking3:23not ratedMP31991
YellowmanI love New YorkNew York3:53not ratedMP32004
YellowmanI need a girlFantastic Yellowman4:01not ratedMP31993
YellowmanI Shall Not RemoveReggae On Top3:47not ratedMP3
Yellowmani'm getting marriedThem A Mad Over Me2:54not ratedMP3
YellowmanI'm ReadyRas Potraits4:12not ratedMP3
YellowmanI'm ReadyYellowman Rides Again4:16not ratedMP31988
YellowmanIn Memory OfYellowman Rides Again4:21not ratedMP31988
YellowmanIn The ArmyYellowman Rides Again4:11not ratedMP31988

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