Sweet, The (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Sweet, The68 Was 68MP32001not rated24:48
Sweet, TheCut About The RestMP31979not rated41:14
Sweet, TheDesolation BoulevardMP31974not rated49:14
Sweet, TheFirst Recordings 1968-1971MP31991not rated33:47
Sweet, TheFunny How Sweet Co-Co Can BeMP31971not rated37:18
Sweet, TheGive Us A WinkMP31976not rated46:01
Sweet, TheHit Singles (A&B Sides)MP31995not rated1:00:10
Sweet, TheIdentity CrisisMP31982not rated33:36
Sweet, TheLevel HeadedMP31978not rated53:14
Sweet, ThePlatinum RareMP31995not rated1:09:18
Sweet, TheSweet Fanny AdamsMP31974not rated1:00:46
Sweet, TheWaters EdgeMP31980not rated36:03