Complete list of cranb's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Tori AmosGodTales of a Librarian3:54not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosGodUnder the Pinknot ratedFLAC
Tori AmosHappy PhantomLittle Earthquakes3:15not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosIcicleUnder the Pinknot ratedFLAC
Tori AmosJackie's StrengthTales of a Librarian4:25not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosLeatherLittle Earthquakes3:12not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosLittle EarthquakesLittle Earthquakes6:52not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosMaryTales of a Librarian4:42not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosMe And A GunLittle Earthquakes3:44not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosMe And A GunTales of a Librarian3:43not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosMotherLittle Earthquakes6:59not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosMr. ZebraTales of a Librarian1:05not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosPast The MissionUnder the Pinknot ratedFLAC
Tori AmosPlayboy MommyTales of a Librarian4:06not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosPrecious ThingsLittle Earthquakes4:27not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosPrecious ThingsTales of a Librarian4:29not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosPretty Good YearUnder the Pinknot ratedFLAC
Tori AmosProfessional WidowTales of a Librarian3:48not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosSilent All These YearsLittle Earthquakes4:11not ratedFLAC1992
Tori AmosSilent All These YearsTales of a Librarian4:10not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosSnow Cherries From FranceTales of a Librarian2:56not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosSpace DogUnder the Pinknot ratedFLAC
Tori AmosSparkTales of a Librarian4:13not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosSweet DreamsTales of a Librarian3:39not ratedFLAC2003
Tori AmosTear In Your HandLittle Earthquakes4:38not ratedFLAC1992

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