Complete list of cranb's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
A Tribe Called QuestThe Infamous Date RapeThe Low End Theorynot ratedFLAC
A Tribe Called QuestVerses From The AbstractThe Low End Theorynot ratedFLAC
A Tribe Called QuestVibes and StuffThe Low End Theorynot ratedFLAC
A Tribe Called QuestWhatThe Low End Theorynot ratedFLAC
a-haAnd You Tell MeHunting High and Low1:52not ratedFLAC1985
a-haCry WolfScoundrel Days4:06not ratedFLAC1986
A-HaFoot Of The MountainFoot of the Mountain3:57not ratedFLAC2009
a-haHere I Stand And Face The RainHunting High and Low4:30not ratedFLAC1985
a-haHunting High And LowHunting High and Low3:45not ratedFLAC1985
a-haHurry HomeStay on These Roads4:37not ratedFLAC1988
a-haI Dream Myself AliveHunting High and Low3:10not ratedFLAC1985
a-haI've Been Losing YouScoundrel Days4:23not ratedFLAC1986
a-haLiving A Boy's Adventure TaleHunting High and Low5:02not ratedFLAC1985
a-haLove Is ReasonHunting High and Low3:07not ratedFLAC1985
a-haManhattan SkylineScoundrel Days4:52not ratedFLAC1986
a-haMaybe, MaybeScoundrel Days2:36not ratedFLAC1986
A-HaMother Nature Goes to HeavenFoot of the Mountain4:08not ratedFLAC2009
A-HaNothing Is Keeping You HereFoot of the Mountain3:17not ratedFLAC2009
a-haOctoberScoundrel Days3:56not ratedFLAC1986
a-haOut Of Blue Comes GreenStay on These Roads6:42not ratedFLAC1988
A-HaReal MeaningFoot of the Mountain3:40not ratedFLAC2009
A-HaRiding The CrestFoot of the Mountain4:16not ratedFLAC2009
a-haScoundrel DaysScoundrel Days4:01not ratedFLAC1986
A-HaShadowsideFoot of the Mountain4:55not ratedFLAC2009
a-haSoft Rains Of AprilScoundrel Days3:12not ratedFLAC1986

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