Complete list of cranb's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RadioheadSubterranean Homesick AlienOK Computer4:27not ratedFLAC1997
RadioheadSulkThe Bends3:42not ratedFLAC1995
RadioheadThe BendsThe Bends4:06not ratedFLAC1995
RadioheadThe Gloaming. (Softly Open our Mouths in the Cold.)Hail to the Thief3:32not ratedFLAC2003
RadioheadThe National AnthemKid A5:51not ratedFLAC2000
RadioheadThe TouristOK Computer5:24not ratedFLAC1997
RadioheadThere There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.)Hail to the Thief5:23not ratedFLAC2003
RadioheadThinking About YouPablo Honey2:41not ratedFLAC1993
RadioheadTreefingersKid A3:42not ratedFLAC2000
RadioheadUp on the LadderIn Rainbows4:17not ratedFLAC2007
RadioheadVegetablePablo Honey3:12not ratedFLAC1993
RadioheadVideotapeIn Rainbows4:41not ratedFLAC2007
RadioheadWe Suck Young Blood. (Your Time is up.)Hail to the Thief4:56not ratedFLAC2003
RadioheadWeird Fishes/ArpeggiIn Rainbows5:18not ratedFLAC2007
RadioheadWhere Bluebirds FlyCom Lag (2Plus2IsFive)4:23not ratedFLAC2004
RadioheadWhere I End and You Begin. (The Sky is Falling in.)Hail to the Thief4:29not ratedFLAC2003
RadioheadYouPablo Honey3:27not ratedFLAC1993
RadioheadYou and Whose ArmyAmnesiac3:11not ratedFLAC2001
Rage Against the MachineBombtrackRage Against the Machine4:04not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineBullet In The HeadRage Against the Machine5:09not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineFistful Of SteelRage Against the Machine5:31not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineFreedomRage Against the Machine6:06not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineKilling In The NameRage Against the Machine5:14not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineKnow Your EnemyRage Against the Machine4:55not ratedFLAC1992
Rage Against the MachineSettle For NothingRage Against the Machine4:48not ratedFLAC1992

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