The Cure (14 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Cure4:13 DreamFLAC2008not rated52:53
The CureDisintegrationFLAC1989not rated1:12:45
The CureFaithFLAC1981not rated37:03
The CureGaloreFLAC1997not rated1:13:29
The CureJapanese WhispersFLAC1987not rated28:52
The CureKiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeFLAC1987not rated1:12:39
The CureMixed UpFLAC2000not rated1:13:03
The CureParisFLAC1993not rated57:37
The CurePornographyFLAC1982not rated43:33
The CureSeventeen SecondsFLAC1980not rated35:54
The CureThe Head on the DoorFLAC1985not rated38:04
The CureThe TopFLAC1984not rated41:13
The CureWild Mood SwingsFLAC1996not rated1:02:06
The CureWishFLAC1992not rated1:06:20