Complete list of corryzahn's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
ShowtunesLuraleenWhoopi: The 20th Anniversary Show41:10not rated2CD2005
ShowtunesLush LifePatti LuPone Live3:22not ratedCD1993
ShowtunesLydiaBashville2:56not ratedCD1983
ShowtunesLydia (Reprise)Bashville1:40not ratedCD1983
ShowtunesLying LiarsBush Is Bad: The Musical Cure For The Blue-State Blues3:18not ratedCD2005
ShowtunesLysander Wakes: And Run Through FireA Little Midsummer Night's Music (GrooveLily)0:29not ratedCD2007
ShowtunesM&MsViolet1:09not ratedCD1998
ShowtunesM&Ms (Reprise)Violet0:59not ratedCD1998
ShowtunesM-U-T-T- RapBark!3:16not ratedCD2003
ShowtunesM. ButterflyForbidden Broadway Volume 22:28not ratedCD1991
ShowtunesM. U. E. (Chip's Lament)The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee2:38not ratedCD2005
ShowtunesMabel SoloPirates Of Penzance (Aus)not ratedMP31993
ShowtunesMabel's PrayerFame On 42nd Street2:25not ratedCD2003
ShowtunesMacarthur ParkPriscilla Queen Of The Dessert, The Musical5:32not ratedCD2006
ShowtunesMacavity: The Mystery CatCats8:24not ratedCD1982
ShowtunesMachine Shop OpeningFine And Dandy1:54not ratedCD2004
ShowtunesMack The KnifeMusicality: The Winners' Album2:41not ratedCD2004
ShowtunesMad About The BoyIf Love Were All4:12not ratedCD1999
ShowtunesMad About YouIf Love Were All3:17not ratedCD1999
ShowtunesMad Dogs And EnglishmenIf Love Were All3:00not ratedCD1999
ShowtunesMad European CowsEddie Izzard: Circle2:33not ratedCD2002
ShowtunesMad MamboEdward Scissorhandsnot ratedCD2005
ShowtunesMadame Giry's Tale/The FairgroundThe Phantom Of The Opera (Movie)3:29not rated2CD2004
ShowtunesMadame GuillotineThe Scarlet Pimpernel2:50not ratedCD1998
ShowtunesMadame Rose's ToreadorablesGypsy (2003)1:12not ratedCD2003

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